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Expectations of Customers are growing and they are becoming more sophisticated and better informed. For any business, the only way to keep up is to offer a commitment to quality. In fact any organization, whatever their size or type of industry, they can give themselves a secure future by introducing a Quality Management System (QMS) such as ISO 9001.

Benefits of implementing a Quality Management System (QMS) include:

  • “Top Management” set the policies and objectives
  • Understanding the customer’s requirements in order to achieve customer satisfaction
  • Improved internal and external communications
  • Better understanding of the organization’s process
  • Understanding how statutory and regulatory requirements impact the organization and its customers
  • Responsibilities and authorities are clearly defined and agreed by all staff
  • Improved use of time and resources such as manpower, equipment & material
  • Reduced wastage
  • Greater consistency and traceable of products and services
  • Improved morale and motivation of personnel

A quality management system in accordance with ISO 9001 will provide the organization with a set of processes that ensure a common sense approach to the management of the organization.

The system should ensure consistency and improvement of working practices, which in turn should provide products and services that meet customer’s requirements. ISO 9001 is the most commonly used international standard that provides a framework for an effective quality management system.

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