The ISO/TS16949 is an ISO technical specification aiming to the development of a quality management system that provides for continual improvement, emphasizing defect prevention and the reduction of variation and waste in the supply chain. It is based on the ISO 9001and the first edition was published in March 2002 as ISO/TS 16949:2002. It was prepared by the International Automotive Task Force (IATF) and the “Technical Committee” of ISO. It harmonizes the country-specific regulations of Quality-Management-Systems.
About 30 percent of the more than 100 existing automobile manufacturers affiliate the requirements of the norm but especially the large Asian manufacturers have differentiated, own requirements for the quality management systems of their corporate group and their suppliers. TS16949 applies to the design/development, production and, when relevant, installation and servicing of automotive -related products. It is based on ISO 9001.The requirements are intended to be applied throughout the supply chain. For the first time, vehicle assembly plants will be encouraged to seek ISO/TS16949 certification.
The process-oriented approach to business processes that is addressed in the ISO 9001 stands at the forefront of the standard. It looks at the business processes in a process environment in which there are interactions and interfaces that need to be recognized, mapped and controlled by the quality management system. Additionally the gateways to the exterior (to sub-suppliers, customers and to remote locations) are defined. The Standard distinguishes between customer-oriented processes, supporting processes and management processes. This process-oriented approach is meant to improve the understanding of the whole process. Not an isolated process, but the entity of all interacting business processes affect the quality performance of a firm.
A key requirement of ISO/TS 16949 is the fulfillment of customer-specific requirements, set up by the automobile manufacturer in addition to the quality management system of their suppliers. This may have decisively contributed to the worldwide recognition of the TS by many manufacturers.