Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP) is the main platform for international legislation and good manufacturing practices for all sectors of the food industry. HACCP also forms a key component of many certified compliance standards and is recognized as a main element of international trade in food products.
HACCP is a risk management tool recognized internationally for use in the proactive management of food safety issues. A HACCP system helps you to focus on the hazards that affect food safety through hazard identification and to establish critical control limits at critical points during the production process.
The Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC) has developed international codex standards and guidelines with the aim of providing a high level of consumer protection and fair practice in the international trade of food and agricultural products. Our HACCP certification scheme is intended to meet, as a minimum, the CAC’s General Principles of Food Hygiene and HACCP, but it can also be tailored to include other Codex product-related codes of practice or guidelines and any national standard requirements.
There are clear benefits associated with HACCP-based adoption and certification:
- Enables you to demonstrate a commitment to food safety
- Conveys a degree of confidence required by consumers, retailers and buyers within the food industry
- Provides buyers, consumers, government enforcement and trade agencies with justified assurance that control systems are in place to assure the safe production of food
- It is based on the internationally-recognized Codex Alimentarius standards and guidelines and other national standards
- Regular assessments help you to continually monitor your food safety system
Food safety is the most important issue in the global food supply chain. The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) has developed this standard for the certification of food safety management systems, Linden can assist you in achieving certification to this standard and provide you with the knowledge to maintain ISO 22000.